2019 Adopt a CHILD

Choose Love is officially tying a bow on the Adopt a Child Gift Giving Program for 2019 and we can already tell that it is going to make Christmas happier for Tenino families!

Children who might not otherwise have had warm coats, pajamas, shoes, books, art/sewing supplies, scooters, bikes, stuffed animals, and many other gifts will now be filled with surprise by finding their Christmas wish lists fulfilled! Parents who might not otherwise have been able to celebrate Christmas morning by watching their children eagerly unwrap gifts will now be able to share this magical moment with them!

This year’s program would not have been possible without the generosity and support of our amazing sponsors and our local community partners: Western Coffee Company & CafeGiddy-Up Coffee CorralCornerstone Community Church, and Tenino #564 Fraternal Order of Eagles. We (and the families of Tenino) are so grateful for your support!

Above all else, Choose Love is grateful to our awesome God for using us to show His unconditional love for His children and ensuring that no one is forgotten... during this holiday season and always!

We wish the Tenino community the merriest of Christmases!


Bunco Night Fundraiser


2019 Bowling Tournament Fundraiser